LED airport lighting is different from the lighting of runways, taxiways, and others. However, it is a new version of light being used. It is becoming popular day by day because of its vast benefits. This article discusses the beginning of LED usage and its benefits.
What is LED airport lighting?
LED aviation lighting is a lighting system that provides visual aid and acts as navigation and path indicators.
FAA technical operations personnel is usually in charge of LED lighting control and maintenance, while the taxiway, runway, and approach lighting control is the responsibility of FAA airports personnel.
Beginning of LED lighting usage in aviation:
LED lighting came into the use of the airport personnel when the call from the Department of Energy DOE highlighted the Energy Independence and Security act in 2007.
According to this act, no lamp of specific wattage will be produced. So, airport lighting manufacturers got the edge to produce more LED lights.
1. Durable
LED lights are durable, and this durability is its top-most desirable characteristic. A taxiway bulb has an average life of 1,000 hours, while the figure is immense for LED lights, i.e., 56,000 hours at full intensity. It is, in fact, a significant economic factor.
2. Cheaper & money saver
As per Garrett’s claim, LED taxiway lights are the money savers of about $270,000 per year for energy and maintenance costs. Using LED lights on the runway will also significantly boost the savings figure.
3. Less need for maintenance
LED lighting system needs less maintenance. Without being replaced, LED’s can last up to 10 years, while Incandescent lights need to be replaced two times a year. According to Garrett, incandescent lights had more to be replaced, but since there’s an LED lighting system, the need has highly decreased.
4. True color rendition
Accurate color rendition is another critical factor for increased LED usage; if you talk about the incandescent lamps, operating at lower intensity produced an amber glow that some pilots misinterpret.
5. Long-term cost saving
LED usage in aviation indeed costs more upfront than incandescent bulbs, but it saves you long-term by reducing the replacements and maintenance costs.
Final word:
So, to put it all in a nutshell, LED airport lighting has multiple benefits over incandescent bulbs. The significant benefit is its durability which is a vital economic factor in reducing the replacements and costs of maintenance.
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